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September 2024
  • Saturday 07 September 2024 - Sunday 08 September 2024
    Basic WATSU®  ::  1° Level, Basic Watsu
    Location : Modica (RG)| Insegnante: Francesca Bertocci | Contatti: Francesca Bertocci 346 5983120 - italiawatsu@gmail.com

  • Saturday 07 September 2024 - Sunday 08 September 2024
    Woga® 1 e 2  ::  1° Level, Preparatory courses - free choice
    Location : Filago (BG)| Insegnante: Gilberto Pagani | Contatti: Gilberto Pagani - +393928958333 - mail: nonsolowatsu@gmail.com

  • Thursday 12 September 2024 - Sunday 15 September 2024
    Transition Flow  ::  1° Level
    Location : Padova| Insegnante: Monica Marcangeli e Alice Pasquato | Contatti: Alice Pasquato, allipasqua2@yahoo.it cell: 340 6626880

  • Saturday 28 September 2024 - Sunday 29 September 2024
    Basic Watsu  ::  1° Level, Basic Watsu
    Location : Filago (BG)| Insegnante: Gilberto Pagani | Contatti: Gilberto Pagani - +393928958333 - mail: nonsolowatsu@gmail.com

  • Saturday 28 September 2024 - Sunday 29 September 2024
    Basic Watsu®   ::  1° Level, Basic Watsu
    Location : Scansano (GR)| Insegnante: Francesco Scarabelli | Contatti: Francesco Scarabelli - fra.scarabelli@alice.it - 338 9714475

October 2024
  • Saturday 19 October 2024 - Sunday 20 October 2024
    Basic Watsu   ::  1° Level, Basic Watsu
    Location : Brescia| Insegnante: Monica Moti Marcangeli | Contatti: Monica Moti Marcangeli 338 9860063; moti@ilmiowatsu.it

  • Saturday 19 October 2024 - Sunday 20 October 2024
    Watsu Basic  ::  1° Level, Basic Watsu
    Location : Padova| Insegnante: Alice Pasquato | Contatti: Alice Pasquato allipasqua2@yahoo.it - cel 340 6626880

  • Friday 25 October 2024 - Sunday 27 October 2024
    Shiatsu per Watsu 1° modulo  ::  1° Level
    Location : Brescia| Insegnante: Monica Moti Marcangeli e Gianpiero Bellini | Contatti: Monica Moti Marcangeli 338 9860063; moti@ilmiowatsu.it

  • Friday 25 October 2024 - Sunday 27 October 2024
    Basic WATSU®  ::  1° Level, Basic Watsu
    Location : Pesaro (PU)| Insegnante: Keli Procopio | Contatti: Keli Procopio - mail:keli@watsu.it

November 2024
  • Friday 29 November 2024 - Sunday 01 December 2024
    Shiatsu per Watsu 2° modulo  ::  1° Level
    Location : Brescia| Insegnante: Monica Moti Marcangeli e Gianpiero Bellini | Contatti: Monica Moti Marcangeli 338 9860063; moti@ilmiowatsu.it

December 2024
  • Saturday 07 December 2024 - Sunday 08 December 2024
    Basic Watsu  ::  1° Level, Basic Watsu
    Location : Padova| Insegnante: Alice Pasquato | Contatti: Alice Pasquato allipasqua2@yahoo.it - cel 340 6626880

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